Friday, October 10, 2008


On Sept. 26 I took this picture. I cut up and froze the ones in the bowl that day, and ripened the others to eat/freeze a few days later. I thought I knew what the names of all these varieties were, but thanks to Google Image I found out I was quite mistaken. I guess that is what I get for planting everything so close together. Note to self: don't do that again! The following pictures will enlighten us a little on what these are really called. I'll be adding flavor info, and who liked what after I talk to everyone about it:

San Marzano Roma
3-4" long fruits. Very high producing heirloom Roma tomato. We got approximatly 200 fruits off of two plants during the whole summer. These were on the side of the house.

Terilynn says they are good in her stir fry, but doesn't like to eat them plain (with vinegar, of course). Prone to disease, but we carefully removed the effected bottom leaves as fruit was just beginning to set. The plants endured!

Oregon Spring
2.5" fruits. I think we got about 50-60 from a few plants, I'll have to check on that.

Crimson Beefsteak
Small, 2" fruits. Heirloom. I thought this was Oregon Spring. Oops. These seem to be quite acidic for me. I think we got 20-30 this season off of 2 plants. I believe this was the variety I had to remove on of because of disease early in the season, just before they started to set fruit. So it was probably 20-30 from one plant.

Cherokee Purple
Large 4-5 inch fruits. Heirloom. I thought these were Crimson Beefsteak. Mild flavor, everyone likes them a lot.

Medium, 3" fruits. Hi producing-200 harvested just before frost from 4 plants. These were on the side of the house.
Picture to's someone else's for now

Amana Orange

Large 4" fruits. I think we got 40 or more of these from 3 plants.

1 comment:

Brent Taylor said...

Concerning Cherokee Purple, whose name makes sense since these are "purple" tomatoes, must disagree about the "mild" taste. The ones we've eaten are STRONG tasting. Could be Terilynn's and my taste buds.

As said, Amana Orange tastes awesome. When I was a teenager in Southern California there was an ice cream shop whose name I cannot recall that served this orange ice cream which totally tasted like chocolate with no orange taste at all. Visual deception like this is fun.